We create empowered & relaxed spaces removing the risk found in Neurotypical situations.
Orange and Black Swirl Throwback Curved Text Poster (3).jpg

My Opening

If you can afford to make a donation, we are a ND and Disabled led arts project and any donation (from £3.00) supports us to be able to keep reduced costs on our workshops and cover our costs for our platform. Thank you.

Stacey Hemes.jpg

In workshops Neurodivergent women artists attend to their art practice and are attuned to the collective unconscious. The title of this exhibition comes from the Making Space for Art workshop. We invite other Neurodivergent artists to exhibit with us through the Call Out process.

Please note, not all artwork will have titles, they are either made in workshops or many Neurodivergents will often not name their artwork. If you spot an artwork you like please email us the name of the artist and describe the art-piece if you’re interested in purchasing it or would like to know more about the artist.

Many of our ND artists might have access needs and so it is important you contact us instead of reaching out directly to them. We thank you for your understanding.

This is best viewed on a laptop.

When we are open
this can be dangerous
Neurodivergent artists so often
don’t have a filter.
Becky Atherton - Ascend

Becky Atherton - Ascend

we expand
our wings
ready for flight
we soar
over lands and seas
we are filled with oceans
we carry the world in our eyes.
Emma Reavey

Emma Reavey

We are impulsive
And speak from the heart
We hold wisdom
In the palm of our hand.
Judith Rowlands

Judith Rowlands

And often people, passer bys don’t know
what to do with this wisdom
this abundance of seeing
feeling thinking seeking
the all-seeing
Sarah Gray

Sarah Gray

they call us intense, they run off scared
it’s hard to see the fear in their eyes
hear the anger off their lips
and know what to say or do -
so perhaps we mask
or make up
behind veils
store ourselves in glass boxes
unsure what to reveal
unsure what to say, we lose passion sometimes
for our art-creating feels hard...
Philippa Bandurek Bradbury - My Stimmy Feet with tan lines (Acrylic paint on 240gsm canvas textured sheet, approx 27x36cm.

Philippa Bandurek Bradbury - My Stimmy Feet with tan lines (Acrylic paint on 240gsm canvas textured sheet, approx 27x36cm.

Because to be open is to be
a Magical Women artist
one who glimmers
who is the seeker of light
who is filled always with it
but requires more
even when it is becoming too
difficult to contain it.
Anna Dyson

Anna Dyson

Yet, if we pay attention to the meaning
in the Neurodivergent’s art
and heart
you’ll truly look into the abyss
the void
and hear it speaking back
through song
Becky Atherton - Escape

Becky Atherton - Escape

And our eyes will open again,
our lashes
curling and the
light on skin
our second skin;
on scales
on feathers
an alien being
a different tongue
we open ourselves
up to be
who we are:
through colour
and stims
and movement
the moon
the light
the sky at night.
Wendy Young

Wendy Young

For we might
be at the seashore
gathering stardust
in our pockets
looking at the gaping hole
of caves
and being;
in the act of
in sea salt air

We might be, daring to exist
Judith Rowlands

Judith Rowlands

and listening and longing
and feeling out for our home
our shell
reciting all of our stories
from our youth.
Philippa Bandurek Bradbury - Sheldon in Red (Fineliner pen on approx 15x15cm white paper)

Philippa Bandurek Bradbury - Sheldon in Red (Fineliner pen on approx 15x15cm white paper)

Frances Ann Norton - Sleeping Girl Angels over Asgaardstrand

Frances Ann Norton - Sleeping Girl Angels over Asgaardstrand

Awakening up to our childhood
no longer fastened to a life
that scars us
but one that brightens all the corners of our
Elinor Rowlands - Opening from the core

Elinor Rowlands - Opening from the core

We feel the magic
We bask in it
Golden rays of sunshine
warming to our song again
we create, we paint, we make

It flows free from us like shooting stars,
rain, waterfalls, gushing,

pouring out of ourselves
Philippa Bandurek Bradbury - Philippa Aged 11 Self-portrait (Acrylics on canvas board, approx 20x25cm)

Philippa Bandurek Bradbury - Philippa Aged 11 Self-portrait (Acrylics on canvas board, approx 20x25cm)

A grand revealing
A gentle unfurling
An opening
Anna Dyson - My Opening

Anna Dyson - My Opening

Elinor Rowlands - All the words all the worlds passing me by

Elinor Rowlands - All the words all the worlds passing me by

And once cracked
you’ll see
the abundance within
here, within us.
Emma Reavey

Emma Reavey

Wendy Young - My Opening

Wendy Young - My Opening

Stacey Hemes

Stacey Hemes



Nicola Willis

Nicola Willis

Nicola Willis

Nicola Willis

It is shimmering out
an artistic expression

A calling for more light.

In our workshops

we discovered to be open is not as scary

as the world's systems and structures

make us feel being open is to be.

Being open means being


and being powerful

there is a power in being together

together with senses

together with art materials

and creations and creating

and attending to

being open with curiosity

and being open to feel

and the heightened feelings we do feel

can sometimes feel like punishment

like a "why me?"

as it stops us from accessing




and sometimes even life..

but who is to say that that life is the light

we seek?

the light that we keep,

and feel and breathe in daily

and when in communion

making, creating, glowing brighter,

this seeking need not .... - (breathe)

our seeking

need not stop there.

For, the seeking is in the listening and tuning in


the power of our openness.

Tuning into this higher power

we feel together in workshops.

Thank you, for sharing it with us.


Curated by Elinor Rowlands for Magical Women

Words by Elinor Rowlands

Art by

Becky Atherton

Emma Reavey

Judith Rowlands

Sarah Bailey

Philippa Bandurek Bradbury

Frances Ann Norton

Stacey Hemes

Nicola Willis

Anna Dyson

Wendy Young

Elinor Rowlands

Thank you for attending our online Exhibition, My Opening, 2020


Our ally Richard Downes writes a poem in response to My Opening for World Disability Day

Magic; My Opening

It was a terrible thing not to be able to speak. A terrible thing to have my heArt go unheard. I found myself in a world that showed it didn’t want me. Turned away I turned away. I closed down to look at last for other openings. Many openings led to close downs. Close downs led to openings. The best to hope for to stay open a little longer each time. 

My Opening

My opening, my first sentence
The words came out furious
Jumbled, forceful, erratic

Spoken to no sympathy
Except in forms not wanted
From bullies and oppressors

My opening, my first sentence
Began my rightful struggle
To articulate my love

My love dispersed unwanted
Cast like seed to rocky ground
I am become the hunch back

My opening, my first sentence
A fight to be heard without
Doubtful silence lurks within

Hatred will not hear my love
My light turns now to darkness
My opening, my first close down

3rd December 2020
The International Day of Disabled People