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Bathing Rituals

Bathing Rituals


During Covid 19 we need more bath rituals.

Why is it so essential to bathe with flora?

Flowers are brightly coloured and their healing seeps rainbow auras into the water. Here we show you how to create your own Bathing Rituals.

If anxiety and stress is making you particularly overwhelmed then creating your own Bath Salts for your Bath Rituals are super wonderful, calming and self-soothing. 

Finding out your favourite smells are important, so if you are not sure, cut a lemon in half, smell a floral perfume or a woody one. Open your herb and tea drawer. Have a smell, rediscover your sense of smell.

To change smells, sniff some coffee, or open a window and breathe fresh air so your nose is able to breathe in the new smell.

When you have decided which smells you prefer: Citrus, Fruity, Floral, Woody, Sweet or Minty, then we can begin creating your Bath Salts.

Homemade Salt Baths for:

  • A good night’s sleep

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Reduce stress

  • Calmer body temperature

  • Reduce aches and pains

  • Excellent for people who experience cramps.

Choose an essential oil from one of the families below (Scroll to the bottom).

Here I give 2 different recipes for 2 very different healing and soothing Bath Salts.

The Forest Bath Ritual for Covid 19

The Woody and resinous family and citrus and Medicinal (witch hazel, eucalyptus, aloe vera and chamomile)

Once you have chosen your essential oils (2-3 essential oils are enough) next add your magnesium salts along with flower petals or fresh herbs (careful with dried rosemary - fresh rosemary is softer!) 

The Bag of Roses Bath Ritual

This Bag of Roses Bath Ritual only needs roses, peonies and lavender for your bath ritual. You are welcome to choose fruitier, sweeter or more fragrant essential oils if these are your favourite smells, they will make you feel warmer, more loved and soothed. 

Add to hot water in the bath and either Magnesium Salts or you can use grey Celtic Salt to the bath.

Attention: An essential Oil Bath will make you sleepy and more relaxed so pay attention to how you feel after the bath. You may want or need a nap. 


The Science of Mantras

When the pineal gland radiates, it creates a pulse in the pituitary gland, causing the release of the hormone melatonin. Melatonin signals the brain coming into balance, and we have the means to achieve a level of consciousness necessary to manifest our desires.

The meridian points strike into a sequence or a code each time you chant or speak a mantra initiating a chemical response in the brain and body that opens pathways and permits access to higher consciousness.

Unlike affirmations such as “I am good enough” or “I am at one with the universe” or “I am joy”, a mantra is a means of directing the healing power of Prana (life-force) to energise and activate our spirituality so that we can fulfil our life purpose. The carefully chosen words of a mantra enable us to invoke the positive power inherent in the syllables.

Chanting or speaking these words, we now have the power to set vibrations into motion to create a positive effect.

Bath Rituals are essential for clearing energy, cleansing the body, awakening dreams and refreshening the mind.
— Magical Women

Mantras have power.

In Ancient Egypt, Cleopatra used the art of bathing as a sacred beauty ritual to connect to the Goddesses. Here, we will introduce you to the art of Bath Rituals and how to make your bathwater sacred.

Magical Women come to the bath to honour our bodies, to meditate, to manifest, and to let go. During the Covid 19, now is so important that we make time to create a sacred bath time of ritual to revitalise and anew.

Magical Women introduces 6 Bath Rituals

Why are bath rituals so powerful? Bath rituals need no words - but having an intention, a mantra or affirmation can be really powerful.

To meet your access needs, read the mantra or affirmation into your phone recorder and then play it back to you whilst you’re in the bath. These Mantras and Affirmations will soon be available online for you to use for these bath rituals.


For the diffuser:

5 drops Neroli
3 drops Rose
2 drops Jasmine  
2 drops Bergamot  

For the bath:

3 drops Neroli, 3 drops Rose, 2 drops Jasmine and 1 drop Bergamot

As you add the drops to the bath, say the affirmation out loud or to yourself while you drop dried or Fresh Rose Petals into the bath.

Affirmation: I am Sensual.

Sung as a Mantra: I am Sensual. I am aligned with my sensuality. I ignite my inner Goddess. I am magic. I am music. I am playing with all the notes and keys in my heart. Unlock my heart, unlock my song, I sing it with you. I sing it with you. The time is now. I am beginning. I am beginning again. Anew.


For the diffuser:

2 drops Rose  
3 drops Ylang Ylang
1 drop Sandalwood  

For the bath:

3 drops Rose, 3 drops Ylang Ylang, 1 drop Sandalwood

Affirmation: I am Tender.

Sung as a Mantra: I am Tender. I am Romantic. I am shining with light and beauty. I ignite my inner Goddess to love and be loved. I am a Goddess of love, of peace, of light. I am a Magical Woman. I am like a wildness, I am the wild of the flower, the breeze, the storm, the rain, the ocean, the waves. I am anew.

#3 EUPHORIC Bath Ritual

For the diffuser:

10 drops Jasmine 
3 drops Ylang Ylang  
2 drops Bergamot  

For the bath:

6 drops Jasmine, 3 drops Ylang Ylang, 1 drop Bergamot

Affirmation: I am Eurphoria.

Sung as a Mantra: I am Eurphoria. I am Eurphoric. I am You. You are me. I am brighter than the shining star and I am reflecting with moon shine, remembering where I found my shine. Thank you stars, thank you moon, thank you world. I embrace you.

#4 PURE PASSION Bath Ritual

For the bath:

3 drops Patchouli
2 drops Rose  
2 drops Sandalwood  
1 drop Ylang Ylang

Affirmation: I am a Jewel in the lotus.

Sung as a Mantra: I am a Jewel in the lotus. Hear me Say. Om Kama Devaya Vidhmahe, Pushpa Vanaya Dheemahe, Thanno Kama Prachodayath.


Photograph by Juliana Aruda

Photograph by Juliana Aruda

For the bath:

2 drops Jasmine  
2 drops Sandalwood  
1 drops Bergamot  or 2 drops Sweet Orange

Affirmation: I am Radiant and I am experiencing bliss.

Sung as a Mantra: Radiance glows in me as I experience bliss. Every phase and every transition in my life is valid. Tonight I enter the sacred space of a new world and a new life. Today I am blissful. Today I go deep within the sanctuary of my soul and I let go to the dreams you want to fill me with.

Sometimes, pre recording this affirmation in your own voice and repeating it several times, then playing it while you’re in the bath can help you to refocus your mind into your soul purpose and be with blissful feelings of being alive, and being gracious in your experience of asking for the divine goodness that will support you during troubled times.

#6 Calm during Covid 19

5 drops Geranium
2 drops Patchouli
2 drops Ylang Ylang or 2 drops Lavender
2 drops Bergamot
1 drops Chamomile

It’s essential you stick to the number of drops for this bath. Do not exceed the number of drops. If it feels better, put the number of drops into a diffuser instead, or within your normal shampoo or conditioner.

If you’d prefer it as a body cream or massage oil, add this soothing blend to coconut or almond oil or flaxseed oil and add to your body. It is a nourishing and warming blend that will bring you calm and strength.

Essential Oils in Depth

Essential oils fall into one of 8 aroma families:

  1. Citrus

  2. Floral

  3. Herbaceous

  4. Spicy

  5. Woody

  6. Earthy

  7. Resinous

  8. Camphoraceous


The essential oils in the citrus aroma family have a fresh, clean, and refreshing aroma that is associated with these fruits. Think of the scents of lemon, orange, and grapefruit.

Citrus essential oils are also very versatile. They blend easily with most other aroma families, especially the woody and floral families.

Oils from this aroma family are often added to energizing and deodorizing blends and to antiseptic blends as well.


Lemon essential oil is unique because it is not obtained from a flower or plant but is extracted from the rinds of the lemons through a cold process. It has a cheerful aroma that reinvigorates the mind and spirit. Offering a stimulating effect and evokes a sense of excitement. Combining well with most other oils and is often added to blends that are meant to refresh, energise, and boost mental clarity and alertness.

Also used as a household disinfectant and wonderful to use for both hands and home sanitiser.


Orange and sweet orange essential oils are also extracted from the rinds of the oranges, as well as from parts of the plants they grow on.
Orange oil is a sedative, antiseptic, and tonic. Sweet orange essential oil is often used in seasonal blends, including Autumn and winter blends.


Bergamot is one of those versatile essential oils that are used in numerous blends. This oil is extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange fruit.This is one of my favourite essential oils and I always add it when I want to feel warmed up. More woody and masculine smells, though it has a fruity, sweet scent that works with many other blends as well.


Grapefruit essential oil inspires positive energy. This oil has a bright, happy aroma that will instantly lift your mood and relieve any lingering tension. It is one of the best oils for weight loss due to its powerful appetite-suppressant qualities.


Lemongrass also belongs to the citrus aroma family. It infuses any blend it is added to with a light, refreshing aroma. Lemongrass reduces muscle pain and is an antibacterial agent.


This is a more subtle citrus scent and one that can be placed in a diffuser by itself or combined with other scents. I would recommend this essential oil to be blended with bergamot for a beautiful blend in the bath or for a massage oil. Its light aroma makes tangerine essential oil an excellent addition to any refreshing blend to use in spring or summer. To be used to reduce nervous tension, boost your mood and clear your mind.


Floral essential oils are often used as an addition to scented and perfumed beauty and skincare products. Lavender, geranium, chamomile, and rose are just some of the many versatile and popular floral essential oils. Floral can induce more love into your aura, that is calming, soothing and soft.


Lavender essential oil is often used in household products and beauty, skin care, and spa from moisturising lotions and bath bombs to aromatherapy candles, closet freshening sachets and much more. Used to promote better sleep, soothe anxiety, and alleviate headaches. These relaxing properties of lavender are well known and top the list of most relaxing essential oils.

GERANIUM - One of my favourites!

Geranium essential oil has a delicate, floral scent that works great when combined with other floral scents in blends. It adds a subtle scent that changes the aroma of the blend without overpowering the scent of the other oils. It helps to balance out hormone levels and reduce inflammation. It is used in essential oil blends to help with mental health, such as alleviating anxiety and depression.


Jasmine essential oil is extracted from the exotic jasmine plant with its large, white flowers. The oil is great for helping with depression, uterine conditions. It is also known for its potent aphrodisiac properties and is often used in skin care products.

ROSE - My favourite!

Rose is the Reigning Aphrodisiac essential oil. Its sensual, seductive aroma is known for its ability to ramp up the mood in the bedroom and can be enjoyed alone or for another. This is a very versatile floral scent that goes very well with blends that contain other florals. It also combines beautifully with woody or earthy scents. Rose oil finds use in numerous natural health remedies, including as a laxative, uterine treatment, antiseptic, antiviral, and antidepressant.


It may come as a surprise to know that vanilla essential oil belongs to the floral family of aromas. This is not a typical pure essential oil like others, as it is not extracted from a plant or fruit, but from fermented vanilla beans. However, it still has many health benefits with a wonderfully fragrant aroma.

Vanilla essential oil is a wonderful addition to fruity, floral, and seasonal essential oil blends.


The last floral family scent on the list is ylang ylang. If you’ve used essential oils, for any length of time, you would have heard this name before. The oil is extracted from the ylang ylang tree which is a type of exotic tree with star-shaped flowers. This is a versatile oil that is used generously in several blends. It is wonderful for beauty and health blends that are used to promote relaxation and improve your skin and hair. I always add Ylang Ylang to the bath, even when I’ll only be in there for a short while!


The herbaceous aroma family includes versatile essential oils that are extracted from different herbs and used for their aroma, flavour and fantastic healing benefits. Whilst you might only recognise the herbaceous aroma family as flavouring agents, they are incredibly important for muscles, the nervous system and skin, brain, eyes and organs.


Rosemary essential oil is another one that some people put in the floral aroma family, but this is not the same thing as the rose flower. Rosemary is a type of fragrant and delicious herb, softer than the branches of a fir tree. This oil might be used for cooking, but also for its healing powers and aromatherapy. Rosemary essential oil is known for stimulating hair growth and helping with dry scalp, in addition to various other health benefits. It has a very powerful aroma so you need to be careful about adding it to any blend. Add only one drop at a time. For those who run or exercise a lot, Rosemary is very soothing for tired muscles.


Italian cuisine would be lost without oregano oil which is extracted from the oregano herb. This oil is known for its strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or avocado oil and applied to the skin to reduce wrinkles and scars, apply in small doses around the eyes.


Thyme is also often used in cooking. Thyme essential oil is often combined with other herbaceous essential oils to create powerful blends that can be used as an antiseptic in mouthwash and various other personal care products.


This is one of my favourite essential oils that I had to my muscle pain massage oils. This essential oil comes from the basil herb and can be used in cookies when you don’t have dried or fresh basil herb available. This is a really wonderful herb to use during or after sensory overload especially as it helps with fatigue and muscle pain, which makes it a powerful addition to any pain-reducing blend.


Marjoram is an essential oil that is on the sweeter side and is also considered an herbaceous aroma. It derives from a herb called the sweet marjoram, though some marjoram oils are from the Spanish marjoram herb. This is an essential oil that is added to blends to help soothe arthritis-related joint pain, reduce stress and keep bacterial infections at bay.


Clary sage essential oil is sometimes confused with being a floral essential oil, but it is in fact another type of herb. It is incredibly healing and used for a wide range of purposes, from health to beauty. It functions as a natural deodorant and will also act as an air freshener in your home, helps with cleansing and has anti-bacterial purposes. Clary sage oil works well as a mild sedative when blended with other sedative oils so use in the bedroom if you have issues with insomnia.


The last aroma family of essential oils is the spicy category. The spicy family is not the spice of curries or chilli peppers, we are not talking about spicy as in jalapenos and peppers. This is more for the ‘spices’ that you find in seasonal blends, such as those for Autumn and winter or when your tired muscles need the warmth of a cosy hug or your gut needs the goodness of a warming brew. These are some of the essential oils in the spicy aroma family.


Clove essential oil is packed with antioxidants, which gives the oil its many healing powers. It can be used directly to soothe toothaches and other oral health issues. It has a powerful aroma and must be used in moderation when creating any blend. Start with one drop and keep increasing one drop at a time.


Ginger, like others on this list, is a type of spice that is often used in the kitchen, for its delicious taste and flavour as well as its many health benefits. Ginger essential oil is very versatile for seasonal and specialty blends. It can be used in any blend to help soothe digestive discomfort and menstrual disorders. This is an essential for warming and cleansing brews.


Cinnamon is very similar to nutmeg and often found in the same seasonal blends. This is unique in that it is sometimes found not as a pure oil, but one in a dropper where you can use it directly on your skin for various healing benefits. Cinnamon essential oil adds a delicate, sweet aroma to any blend.


Cardamom is another popular essential oil in the spicy aroma family. It is mostly used for its healing benefits as opposed to its aroma. It can help reduce nausea and highly recommended for pregnant women who are experiencing morning sickness. This oil also work as an antiseptic, and helps with chemotherapy side effects.


Nutmeg is one of the more popular essential oils in the spicy aroma family. It is a popular addition to seasonal spice blends for the holiday season, such as Christmas blends. Nutmeg essential oil goes great with cinnamon, ginger, clary sage, orange, and lavender oils. Together this makes a gorgeous blend for the home during the festive season.


If you have ever used essential oil blends with sandalwood or cypress, you probably know some of the oils included in the woody aroma family. However, some might surprise you. Here are the essential oils included in the woody family. The first two essential oils that are considered woody aromas are frankincense and myrrh, which are often clubbed together.

SANDALWOOD - Another of my favourites!

Sandalwood is a popular essential oil with a woody aroma. This oil is extracted from sandalwood trees, the older the better. It can come from trees as young as 40 years old, but those 80 years old or older are preferred for their stronger aroma and more potent health benefits - my whole apartment smelled of Sandalwood for a few years, it’s very warming and grounding and cosy. It has strong astringent, antispasmodic and sedative properties.


Fir or fir needle essential oil has a fresh scent, which is a little lighter than traditional woody aromas. Popular in Christmas and holiday blends. Used liberally in blends with other woody and earthy scents. It is known to help relieve fatigue and pain associated with arthritis.


The fresh, woodsy aroma of this oil is so easy to fall in love with. Add a few drops of this oil in your diffuser during any season and you will immediately be transported outdoors with lovely memories of spring walks through the woods. Cedarwood essential oil adds a lovely fresh, woodsy aroma to any essential oil blend and is perfect for Spring.


Cypress essential oil is another woody aroma family scent. Used in a diffuser in aromatherapy or applied topically to help with to calm a wide range of skin conditions. This is a versatile oil and can be combined with ylang ylang, chamomile, bergamot, and cedarwood oils to obtain some wonderful blends with unique aromas.


Juniper oil comes from the juniper tree, which is a type of evergreen shrub that grows mostly in Europe. Juniper is added to blends for stomach issues, and digestive problems. It is also a potent antiseptic so use this oil added to hot water and breathe in the steam.

Eucalyptus Forest, photography by D.C.

Eucalyptus Forest, photography by D.C.


The oils in the camphoraceous family have an unmistakably heady scent that is strongly aromatic.


Extracted from the oil-rich leaves of the eucalyptus tree, this oil has potent anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and decongestant properties. I you have sinus problems then this essential oil is needed to clear them. Add a few drops in a hot bowl of water fresh from the kettle, put a towel over your head and breathe in the steam. Eucalyptus oil has many healing properties and is often used in blends with other woody, spicy, and floral scents.


Peppermint essential oil is another widely used camphoraceous oil with several powerful therapeutic properties. It is excellent for digestive disorders and is often used to relieve bloating after a heavy meal.


Tea tree oil is extracted from the melaleuca plant found in Australia. It is a common addition to many homemade skincare products, especially anti-acne creams, and lotions. But it’s good for so much more than your skin. Tea tree essential oil has an earthy aroma that is packed with some powerful health benefits. It helps ease respiratory ailments and cleanses toxic emotions that disrupt your health and wellbeing. This is a go to essential oil if you begin to show signs of Coronavirus. It is also a powerful disinfectant, which makes it great for use in any DIY housecleaning project.



Frankincense comes from the Boswellia tree and aromatherapy adores this essential oil due to its ability to soothe digestive issues and it is a potent antiseptic. This woody aroma works beautifully in seasonal blends and in blends created to soothe digestive issues.


Another essential oil in the resinous aroma family is Myrrh which is extracted from the Commiphora Myrrha tree that grows in Africa and the Middle East. Myrrh essential oil works very closely with frankincense and is often used in the same blends.

Photograph by Anshu A

Photograph by Anshu A


The earthy aroma family is one of those categories that aren’t as easy to figure out. This is where you are going to get a lot of the more masculine scents, as well as fragrances used in blends for home use and sometimes personal perfume. Here are the essential oils included in the earthy aroma family:

PATCHOULI - Okay, this is my favourite along with rose!

The first essential oil in the earthy aroma family is patchouli, which should not be too much of a surprise. Patchouli essential oil is extracted from various parts of the tropical patchouli plant. It has a strong aroma and is often used in men’s or unisex perfumes, as well as many health blends. Surprisingly, Patchouli is a wonderful blend for when we Magical Women need to balance the floral oils.


Extracted through steam distillation of the root, herbs, and seeds of the rhizome plant, Angelica root is an earthy scent in this aroma family and used in blends to alleviate digestive discomfort and reduce stress.

Photograph by Devin H.

Photograph by Devin H.


Known for its earthy aroma. It is sometimes labeled as ‘khus’. Vetiver is often combined with patchouli in blends since they both smell very similar, but its lemony scent adds a touch of freshness to any blend. Vetiver is a calming and grounding scent, with some healing benefits as well.


Valerian root is a very popular herb used in natural medicine. Not surprisingly, the same herb provides an amazingly therapeutic oil as well. Used alone or in blends to help with heart palpitation, skin conditions, blood pressure, anxiety, and sleep disorders. This essential oil is one of the earthy aromas with a long list of health benefits.

Homemade Salt Baths 


  • A good night’s sleep

  • Reduce anxiety

  • Reduce stress

  • Calmer body temperature

  • Reduce aches and pains

  • Excellent for people who experience cramps.

If anxiety and stress is making you particularly overwhelmed then creating your own Bath Salts are super wonderful, calming and soothing. 

Finding out your favourite smells are important, so if you are not sure, cut a lemon in half, smell a floral perfume and a woody one. When you have decided which smells you prefer: Citrus, Fruity, Floral, Woody, Sweet or Minty. 

Choose a blend from above (Scroll up!)

Add to hot water in the bath and then relax. A Magnesium and Essential Oil Bath will make you sleepy and more relaxed so pay attention to how you feel after the bath. You may want or need a nap. 

Magical Crystal Rituals 

  1. Pour yourself a bath. Don’t forget to put your towel on a radiator so it’ll be warmed up when you need to dry!

  2. Whilst waiting for it to run, begin to dry brush to get rid of any stagnant energy from your body and soul. 

  3. Add some rose quartz and amethyst crystals in the bath. Be careful not to sit on the crystals, and add some of your favourite smells like dried flower petals, rose water and floral essential oils. 

  4. Lie in the bathwater or sit in there and add some rose bath oil. 

  5. Massage your neck and shoulders and give yourself a hug smoothing your arms, shoulders, neck and skin with lots of massage oil. 

Say an affirmation of love to yourself: 

“I shine out from within 

My power as a Magical Woman 

I shine out from within 

So much love for the other. 

I shine out from within warmth and ideas. 

I bathe myself in this shining light.” 

Once you have seeped enough love and light from this bath ritual, you can get out of the bath where you will feel nurtured, soft and loved in a warm pre-heated towel!